I’ve already covered Justin Bieber’s latest video with some of the clips within it. There must be hundreds within the video itself, and I did not cover them all. I think it needs to be addressed that the ILLUMINATI are announcing they’ve made their goal and they are proud of it. They reveal their symbolism and plans through the music of Satan, and the movies/programs of Hollywood who is orchestrated by Satan as well. This is obvious:
First of all, you see the symbol which is on the jacket of the music: This symbol is present in the clip from the beginning to the end, and do you know what this symbol is?
When you press ALT + 666 on your keyboard you get the symbol Ü … in short this symbol says that all this clip is a message from 666, who is one of the numerous names of Satan.
When you press ALT + 666 on your keyboard you get the symbol Ü … in short this symbol says that all this clip is a message from 666, who is one of the numerous names of Satan.

Proud of their god…
“We Made It” with the all seeing eye, and the triangle. We made it, means that they have reached their final goal: the New World Order and the coming of their god, Satan

Demons in disguise
Tentacles of the NWO
Freemason Nation
Satan’s Trickery & Pride

Jesus represented as Satan:
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