It’s a ORGON Conclusion
It’s a ORGON Conclusion
What is “ORGONE”?
Orgone energy is a hypothetical universal life force originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich.
What is “ORGONE”?
Orgone energy is a hypothetical universal life force originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich.

Who was Wilhelm Reich?
Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst. Actually he is the father to the sexual revolution we see! And not in a good way…
Eliphas Levi passed the torch of the Illuminati Luciferian Doctrine to Albert Pike. Levi got it from secret societies that are of a higher order than Masonry. Masonry was a recruiting platform to draw men away from Christianity and to magic. Skills were tested and the rare few that had ESP, remote-viewing, astral projection and telekenisis capabilities were sent on to societies that taught them to use their psychic or prophet skills -for Satan. These men were thus trained by females ( Madam Blavastsky) in Witchcraft and by men ( Aleister Crowley , and Wilhelm Reich- Nazi Scientist) in “sex-magic”. UFOs always seemed to make their presence during these rituals like in “Babylon Working” experiments -over the years-with Crowley, NASA’s Parsons, Reich and Scientology’s L.Ron Hubbard.
Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst. Actually he is the father to the sexual revolution we see! And not in a good way…
Eliphas Levi passed the torch of the Illuminati Luciferian Doctrine to Albert Pike. Levi got it from secret societies that are of a higher order than Masonry. Masonry was a recruiting platform to draw men away from Christianity and to magic. Skills were tested and the rare few that had ESP, remote-viewing, astral projection and telekenisis capabilities were sent on to societies that taught them to use their psychic or prophet skills -for Satan. These men were thus trained by females ( Madam Blavastsky) in Witchcraft and by men ( Aleister Crowley , and Wilhelm Reich- Nazi Scientist) in “sex-magic”. UFOs always seemed to make their presence during these rituals like in “Babylon Working” experiments -over the years-with Crowley, NASA’s Parsons, Reich and Scientology’s L.Ron Hubbard.

The “Golden Dawn” , “O.T.O.” -Ordo Templi Orientis- ,”The White Brotherhood” and other groups made it clear in their writings that mixing sex, Satan, sacrifice and UFOs all are a part of Magic to obtain knowledge from the gods for power and immortality.
Beyond the sexual experiments/programming which he conducted, this man developed technologies for weather modification. Reich had used a continuous wave oscillator to pulse a signal in order to convert electric energy to etheric energy. One of his discoveries was that a variation of its frequencies could produce dramatic effects, such as modulating brain waves, bringing rainstorms to a dry area or even creating a rift in the fabric of the space-time continuum. Military doctors spent decades fine tuning the phase modulation of the original wave function discovered by Reich. (source)
A person who comes to mind next is…Sherry Shriner. She believes herself to be the successor of Wilheim’s work.
Beyond the sexual experiments/programming which he conducted, this man developed technologies for weather modification. Reich had used a continuous wave oscillator to pulse a signal in order to convert electric energy to etheric energy. One of his discoveries was that a variation of its frequencies could produce dramatic effects, such as modulating brain waves, bringing rainstorms to a dry area or even creating a rift in the fabric of the space-time continuum. Military doctors spent decades fine tuning the phase modulation of the original wave function discovered by Reich. (source)
A person who comes to mind next is…Sherry Shriner. She believes herself to be the successor of Wilheim’s work.

The origin of orgone comes from Wilhelm Reich’s “and use orgone to fight malevolent aliens” the “orgone” contain : quartz cristal, copper wire, aluminum and penny, this is used as “esoteric talisman” the orgone is sold on Internet in pyramid-shaped, and many other figures for occult meditation as the buddha orgone or skull orgone.
Wilhelm Reich showed a clear affinity with occult thought processes!
Wilhelm Reich showed a clear affinity with occult thought processes!

The word Teraphim is explained as meaning disgraceful things and in many English translations of the Bible it is translated as idols, or household god(s).

People look up into the skies and see a beautiful world which GOD created, but they see something else too! Do they recognize it? Some don’t even question it while others not only know what is going on but they work in unison to combat the threat. Threat? What threat…

Chemtrails was once a ‘conspiracy theory’ which many people laughed at and brushed off, but now some are taking seriously. In fact, some might say we are being “sprayed like roaches” and poisoned.
My beginnings in the research of many conspiracy theories began with someone who I thought was a warrior! She WAS amazing to me, but part of her work consisted of her ‘invention’ called
Sherry Shriner is an agent of disinformation as part of the esoteric agenda.

We Are A Secret Society Of Individuals Who Create And Place Orgonite To Balance Gaia’s Energies.
Chemtrail wake-up call: Kylie Jenner tweets to 10 million followers

So people….it’s a forgone: BEWARE of people you follow, for they just may lead you off a cliff!
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