MATURE MATERIAL—Wow! This subject is a touchy one….NO PUN intended. I’m serious.
Am I obsessed with perversion? NO! The elite are! Proof?
Am I obsessed with perversion? NO! The elite are! Proof?

This is deeply disturbing to me. Subjecting innocent children to sexual perversion of this kind is hideous and outrageous. I shouldn’t be surprised but I am. Toys from down-under is a subject meant to discuss what we are subjecting our children to. No, wait…let me rephrase that! What are we ALLOWING our children to be subject to? These kinds of inventions should NEVER be allowed on the market, much more…in the viewing arena of our innocent children.
The agenda is to take away their innocence. This comes from many sources…and lately it’s from the schools we let them go to but let’s look at toys!

Really? Does no one see this for what it is? I mean come on! It’s disgusting and downright ridiculous that we allow our children to play with this….and if you’ve bought this for your children then you should re-access your moral compass.
Really? Does no one see this for what it is? I mean come on! It’s disgusting and downright ridiculous that we allow our children to play with this….and if you’ve bought this for your children then you should re-access your moral compass.
Play-Doh Extruder
DUH! They call it the ‘icing extruder’….really? Need I ask you why would you buy this?
DUH! They call it the ‘icing extruder’….really? Need I ask you why would you buy this?
Here are some pix….is this enough to make you question what is going on?
Well, I’ve had enough…I hope you have too. Parents and ANYONE with morals should contact thesemanufacturing establishments…

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