Saturday 10 January 2015


The killing field was visible, burnt houses, burnt grains and foodstuff, littered corpses with an irritating smell oozing from the fields. They all returned from a killing spree of their enemies and came back home expecting a heroic welcome, but instead they were greeted by the sight of a great desolation and grave silence. When a Baga residence who is a "civilian JTF" returns home on Friday the 9th of January 2015, from facing an urgly troop of lunatic Boko Haram in Damaturu, Bama, Gwoza till you come unto Mubi Adamawa state, covering 3 states! Here he comes to a killing field where lies his siblings, wives, children, mothers, fathers, uncles and aunts, and even friends, the closest and dearest of all peoples in his life, laying dead amongst the 2,000 corpses! Or a David who just returned from signing a pact to form an alied force with the Philistines, to a devastating effect of the presence of the Amalakite blood hunting troops in Ziklag! There is going to be a common reaction here, the surge of different emotions running through the blood, infact every minute delivers a well-up of different emotions with flashes of images of negative pictures and a synchronous thought pattern that leads towards rage and distress! What will you do when you woke up in the middle of the night, sitting alone in dead silence, having all the negative thoughts resounding like an echo in the valley? With all the pressure of negative emotions of an expected doom of the morning? Or your heart bottled up with the emotions felt at Ziklag and Baga? 

How will you draw strength and courage to do the right thing? A man born of a woman, his days are little but full of troubles. Oh boy! Here I stand on the hills between Baga and Ziklag! Where does my help comes from? Has my Rock fail me? No! Like David, I will turn to my Rock for strength I will sing my song. " Yahweh is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, even mine; God, my rock, in him will I take refuge; My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge; My savior, you save me from violence. I will call on Yahweh, who is worthy to be praised: So shall I be saved from my enemies. For the waves of death compassed me; The floods of ungodliness made me afraid: The cords of Sheol were round about me; The snares of death came on me. In my distress I called on Yahweh; Yes, I called to my God: He heard my voice out of his temple, My cry [came] into his ears".

 In a moment like this, there are three things to do will be: 1.Turn to the language of God( the ROCK) , 2.Synchronize your heart Language with the language of God, 3.And finally lean towards obedience! Jesus did like David in the garden, and it produced the all time sacrifice for the redemption of mankind, making him the captain of our salvation! The disciples did, and a quacking and a shaking sound greeted the foundation of the building where they were locked up, followed by numerous wonders and glory! Who knows what could become of you, just turn up all that energy from negativity and rage, to a better cause!

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